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By Doug Smith
The Loan Shark was a staple bad guy of the movies of the 1940’s and 1950’s. He was that shady guy with the nice clothes and fancy house that lived in the seedy side of town. And when you needed money fast, and the bank turned you down, there was only one other person who could help: the Loan Shark.
The Loan Shark was a criminal who made his money by preying on the poor. Perhaps they were out of work, about to be evicted, or needed the money for hospital bills. He would loan them money at astronomical interest rates and ridiculously short maturity dates.
The Loan Shark ran a tight business. When the loan was due, he would send his hired thugs to collect the principal as well as the huge interest payment. If the borrower could pay on time, all was well. If not, the thugs threatened and beat the hapless borrower, gave him a short extension on the loan, and increased the interest even higher.
Loan sharks operated in the real world also, and were often associated with organized crime. But a relatively new way of borrowing money fast has reduced the loan shark from a great white shark to a guppy. It’s called a payday loan.
A payday loan is a loan you can get almost immediately. The maximum amount you can borrow is limited by law, and your loan collateral is your next paycheck. In other words, the payday loan dealer will essentially give you a cash advance on your next paycheck almost immediately. In return, you agree to pay back the payday loan when you receive your next paycheck, plus interest.
This convenience is not without a price, however. Like the loan shark of old, the payday loan dealer can and does charge a much higher interest rate than a bank would charge. Unlike the loan shark, hired thugs aren’t sent to collect the loan money if your payment is late. You sign a contract with the payday loan dealer, and the dealer can utilize the legal system to recoup his losses if necessary.
Many people are wary of payday loans. But if a credit card cash advance, savings account, or even a generous friend is not available during a financial emergency, a payday loan can provide the money you need. Payday loans can be particularly effective and helpful if you know the need for money is coming, and can plan ahead of time to repay the payday loan.
Do your research before signing a payday loan contract, but don’t discount the payday loan as a legitimate financial resource.
You can begin your payday loan research at the site below.
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